Rome , 19 June 2006

The confrères of the General Council and the Representatives of the English speaking countries, have just finished a meeting held here in the Curia from the 16th to the 18th of June. A consultation will be held soon to suggest a name for the new Delegation as well as the person who could become the Delegate Superior.

It's a new foundation, which is born, loaded with the hopes of the two mother-delegations (UK-Eire and USA ), and of the countries of new presence and of missionary identity ( Kenya , Jordan , India , The Philippines, Korea ).

We hope that whatever may have come out from our reflections as foundations of our new missionary delegation, may help to support the missionary commitment to “re-establish all things in Christ” so “His kingdom may come” among the people to whom he has assigned us.

The fruits of this meeting are: the basic orientations, and the draft of guidelines for the establishment of the new Delegation. It will not be an entity based on territory (made of communities of the same geographic area), but missionary (based on the same aim and identity) and also linguistic (having English as the first or second language).

After analyzing the results of the consultation, and the decisions of the General Council, the English speaking missionary Delegation will be established.

It is an important moment for the life and the future of an important part of our Congregation and of its missionary forefront in the English speaking countries.

May the Lord help us to answer in the best way possible to the present situation with a vision for the future. May Mary, the Mother of Divine Providence, intercede for us all and give us the graces needed for our missionary journey, she who spread her blue mantel “ to the ends of the earth ”.